Canonization procedure 1996–2011 

After receiving the Nihil obstat from Vatican, on 28 February 1996, dated 25 January 1996 and the signing by Pro-Prefectus +Albertus Bovone and Secretary +Eduardus Nowak, the diocesan process was officially initialized by appointing a competent ecclesiastical court and taking an oath by individuals (29 November 1996).

On 4 November 1996, Bishop Vojtěch appointed as postulator Mons. Karel Simandl, the then General Secretary of the Czech Bishop’s Conference, on the proposal of General Superior Mother Remigie.  

On 25 November 1996, Father Bishop Vojtěch Cikrle invited the General Superior, Mother Remigie Češíková, to a solemn opening ceremony of the canonization process, which took place on Friday, 29 November 1996 at 2 p.m. in the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul in Brno. Along with her there were ten sisters as well as sisters Ludmila and Fabiola, Mother Vojtěcha’s closest co-workers and sister Doloris, who was in prison with her (photos here).

This first meeting officially initiated the canonization process of Servant of God sister Vojtěcha Hasmandová.

“The beginning of a canonization process does not yet mean that someone is declared a saint. It is the beginning of the evidence phase and God’s grace and help is needed for its successful completion. Therefore, we will pray for the whole process and for the glorification of the Servant of God Vojtěcha Hasmandová. God willing, it will be a new powerful stimulus for the spiritual life of us all.”

(Father Bishop Vojtěch Cikrle at the start of the canonization procedure)


The activity of the tribunal consisted in the hearing of 44 witnesses from all periods of life of the Servant of God, from birth to blissful death (on 21 January 1988), of the reputation for holiness and potential answered prayers through her intercession. At the same time, a written material was being verified and translated into Italian; this material comprised of documentation of the process: the arrest, partial interrogations, penalty for high treason for serving the Vatican, years in prison (8 years in total), 10 years spent in Vidnava, 17,5 years of her activity as a General Superior, preparation and management of two General Chapters of the Congregation, applying post-conciliar renewal practice to religious life, formation of vocations in secret (50 of them endured to this day) and more.

Her tomb as well as the room where she died and other rooms in the monastery of Znojmo-Hradiště were verified in order to make sure there were no signs of the liturgical cult.


What was the procedure in Vatican?

Ceremonial opening of sealed documents, appointment of a Roman Postulator, Relator of the Cause, under the guidance of whom the postulator and his co-worker prepared a book The positio on the heroicity of virtues. Mons. Josef Laštovica was appointed Postulator. In this work he was helped by SM. Remigie Češíková SCB. On 4 November 2009, they handed in the completed book to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints for further investigation by the Church.

After this step on 1 January 2012, sister Remigie Češíková SCB has been appointed Postulator for this cause. In the meantime, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints was examining the life of Mother Vojtěcha. Two groups of experts, the first consisting of the congregation of theologians (29 of October 2013) and after that one of cardinals and bishops (28 November 2014) examined independently, and then individually and collectively in the group, the heroicity of virtues, life and death of the Servant of God.

Later on, the Prefect of the Congregation Cardinal Angelo Amato, SDB presented results of their investigations to the Holy Father Francis in a secret consistory, who approved a Decree on the Heroic Virtues on 6 December 2014. By doing so, he declared that this Servant of God can become a model to follow. In addition, she has been given the title “venerabilis” meaning venerable. Thus the examination of the life of the Venerable Servant of God ended. ( Dekret - prezentace)

Nevertheless, for the completion of the beatification process it is necessary that a miraculous healing through the intercession of the Servant of God occurs. It must be proved that a recovery from a disease or pathological condition, in which the current state of medical science is of no help, has happened. Doctors are to present a documented statement with a detailed description of the disease, before and after the healing which must be lasting.

It is essential and crucial that intercessory prayers are made through the intercession of just one candidate saint.

The verification of a miracle requires a strict procedure. After a diocesan investigation, according to prescribed instructions and doctors’ statements, two medical commissions met in the offices of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Only then the cardinal congregation declares for the first time that the healing is humanly inexplicable and passes all the documents to the Holy Father. This opens the way for beatification. Let’s take the whole matter as a God’s gift to the church in our country.

In order for a miracle to occur, a prayer group has been formed again praying regularly for the beatification and new youth as well as for the healing of and God’s help to many sick and needy people that entrust themselves to the intercessory prayer (prayers with Mother Vojtěcha).