History of the process
After Mother Vojtěcha died, Mons. Josef Laštovica advised her successor, Mother Inviolata Krupková, to initialize immediately the cause of Mother Vojtěcha who died with a reputation for holiness. He especially advised her to contact the living witnesses of her life (his letter from 7 December 1992).
Sisters could write down their memories of Mother Vojtěcha. These memories as well as Mother Vojtěcha’s own written document about her vocation became the basis for an obituary written by Mother Inviolata, which was later published under the title: Love does not end with death.
The sisters from the whole community enrolled in a prayer group praying for the beatification of Mother Vojtěcha even before the initialization of the beatification process. The group consisted of around 60 sisters.
On 25 October 1995, another General Superior, Mother Remigie Češíková, asked Father Bishop Vojtěch Cikrle for approval of intercessory prayers for this group.